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Big The Gedo ≪ビッグ・ザ・ゲドウ≫

1931年2月5日生まれ 米・メリーランド州ボルチモア出身 日系アメリカ人
TOKYO JOE&OSAKA JOEからなる二人で一人の結合双生児悪役レスラー

ニックネーム:The Toxic Avenger / Golden Brothers

1950年代後半から全米で活躍。第二次世界大戦後のアメリカのプロレス界では多くの日系アメリカ人が活躍していたが、Big The Gedoについては記録や当時を知る者も少なく、伝説のレスラーとして語られている。 原爆で死んだ両親の復讐にやってきたというギミックで、全米を震撼させた悪役レスラー。結合双生児としては稀な強靭な肉体と精神に恵まれ、ハンディキャップをものともせずアメリカのリングで依然として残っていた反日感情を利用して悪役に徹した。

入場時には観客から「キル・ザ・ジャップ」と罵られながらも不敵な笑みを浮かべ、「万歳、万歳」と狂喜乱舞しながらの入場スタイルは観客の感情を逆なでした。試合においては窮地に陥ったときの卑屈に許しを乞うた後の股間への攻撃や目潰し、咬みつきなど、真珠湾攻撃を連想させる騙し討ちや反則攻撃を売り物とした。ハンディキャップがあることから人権団体の抗議も殺到したが、Big The Gedoは「余計なお世話だ!おまんまの食い上げじゃねーか」と一蹴。更にラフプレーの過激さを増していく。二人で一人という所謂「ニコイチ」でのスタイルでシングルマッチにもタッグマッチにもBig The Gedoとして出場していた。その曖昧さを見かねた銀髪鬼フレッド・ブラッシーがタッグパートナーとして依頼したが、「俺たちはニコイチだが生まれ持ってのタッグチームでもあるから、いらぬ」と無下に断る。それが原因となり公式タッグリーグ戦などへの出場ができなくなる。嫌がらせのために当時では珍しい試合への乱入や場外での奇襲攻撃をおこなうようにもなった。噂を耳にした力道山が日本での試合を強く熱望し交渉までしていたが、1962年にデトロイトにて行われた試合で、残虐な反則行為を目の当たりにした老婆がショック死するという事故が起きる。事故をきっかけに突如としてアメリカマット界から姿を消す。 その後のBig The Gedoの消息を知る者はいない。


Big The Gedo

Born February 5, 1931.
Japanese-American from Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
A villain wrestler who is also conjoined twins, TOKYO JOE & OSAKA JOE.

Autonym: Unknown
Height and weight: Unknown
Nickname: The Toxic Avenger / Golden Brothers
Titles: None
Signature move: mainly foul attacks (eyeball crushing, biting, crotch-kicking, etc.)

     Big The Gedo was active in the United States since the late 1950s. There had been many active Japanese American wrestlers after the WWII in American professional wrestling, however not many people knows their time and not much record left about Big The Gedo, thus they are talked as legendary wrestler. They promoted themselves under the gimmick of the villain wrestler who came to revenge their parents who was killed by atomic bomb, which greatly shocked American spectators. Big The Gedo was  conjoined twins blessed with extraordinarily strong body and mentality. In the spite of their handicaps, they committed entirely to the villain using anti-Japanese sentiment that was still left in wrestling rings in the US. Big The Gedo rubbed feelings of the spectators with fearless smiles, wildly dancing and shouting 'Banzai! Banzai!' as the spectators showered 'Kill the Jap!' calls on them at the time of their entrance procession. Their special features were the foul attacks such as crotch-kicking, eyeball crushing and biting after servilely begging forgiveness as the surprise attacks which evoked Pearl Harbor when they were in a tight corner during a match. Due to their handicaps, the human rights groups furiously protested. However, Big The Gedo dismissed the protests by saying “This is none of your business! That costs us our job.” Furthermore their extreme rough play had increased. Big The Gedo participated in the both single and tag matches saying that they’re ‘Niko-ich (two for one)’. Freddie Blassie, “the silver-haired demon” asked Big The Gedo to be a tag partner because he was impatient to the ambiguous style. However, they brushed off the offer and known to be said, “We were Niko-ich (two for one) but also a tag team from the birth.” This resulted Big The Gedo to be banned from the official tag league matches. In response, they started to burst into rings and surprise attacks outside the rings for the harassment, which was unusual at the time. Japanese wrestling icon Rikidōzan heard rumors about Big The Gedo, strongly hoped a match in Japan and started negotiation. However, there was an accident in which an elderly woman died of shock caused by watching their cruel foul in a match in Detroit, 1962. After that incident, Big The Gedo had disappeared suddenly from professional wrestling in the United States. Nobody knows whereabouts of Big The Gedo.

Devoted to be the villain to the end, Big The Gedo had digested discrimination and prejudice as entertainment, illustrating neither true nor fiction element of professional wrestling and the complexity and nationalism that did not fit in the poetic justice. Even now, they continue to influence many and have been handed down as legendary wrestler.


Hall of shame[Big The Gedo]no.2
inkjet print on paper,Text
297 x 420 mm

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